
Journal paper

Copernicus Global Land Cover Layers—Collection 2

Authors: Buchhorn M., Lesiv M., Tsendbazar N.E., Herold M., Bertels L., Smets B.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Remote Sensing
Volume/Issue: 12
Pages: 1044

Journal paper

Future projections of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe with two integrated assessment models

Authors: Veerkamp C.J., Dunford R.W., Harrison P.A., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Regional Environmental Change
Volume/Issue: 20
Pages: 103


Who owns our forests? Forest ownership in the ECE region

Authors: Wong J., Lawrence A., Feliciano D.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Publisher: United Nations publication issued by the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE)
Pages: 70-72

Journal paper

Local biophysical effects of land use and land cover change: towards an assessment tool for policy makers

Authors: Duveiller G., Caporaso L., Abad-Viñas R., Perugini L., Grassi G., Arneth A., Cescatti A.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Land Use Policy
Volume/Issue: 91
Pages: 104382

Journal paper

Making sense of the LULUCF Regulation: Much ado about nothing?

Authors: Savaresi A., Perugini L., Chiriacò M.V.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Reciel
Volume/Issue: 29
Pages: 212-220

Journal paper

Stakeholder-designed scenarios for global food security assessments

Authors: Van Dijk M., Gramberger M., Laborde D., Mandryk M., Shutes L., Stehfest E., Valin H., Faradsch K.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Global Food Security
Volume/Issue: 24
Pages: 100352

Journal paper

The role of beliefs, expectations and values in decision-making favoring climate change adaptation—implications for communications with European forest professionals

Authors: Blennow K., Persson J., Gonçalves L.M.S., Borys A., Dutca I., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Environmental Research Letters
Volume/Issue: 15
Pages: 114061

Journal paper

Modelling the bioeconomy: Emerging approaches to address policy needs

Authors: Verkerk P.J., Costanza R., Hetemäki L., Kubiszewski I., Leskinen P., Nabuurs G.J., Potočnik J., Palahí M.

Status: Published
Year: 2020
Journal: Journal of Cleaner Production
Volume/Issue: 330
Pages: 129801

Journal paper

Role of forest regrowth in global carbon sink dynamics

Authors: Pugh T.A.M., Lindeskog M., Smith B., Poulter B., Arneth A., Haverd V., Calle L.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Proceedings of the national academy of sciences
Volume/Issue: 116
Pages: 4382-4387

Journal paper

A climate-sensitive forest model for assessing impacts of forest management in Europe

Authors: Härkönen S., Neumann M., Mues V., Berninger F., Bronisz K., Cardellini G., Chirici G., Hasenauer H., Koehl M., Lang M., Merganicova K., Mohren F., Moiseyev A., Moreno A., Mura M., Muys B., Olschofsky K., Del Perugia B., Rørstad P.K., Solberg B., Thivolle-Cazat A., Trotsiuk V., Mäkelä A.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Environmental Modelling & Software
Volume/Issue: 115
Pages: 128-143

Journal paper

Spatial distribution of the potential forest biomass availability in Europe

Authors: Verkerk P., Fitzgerald J., Datta P., et al.

Status: Published
Year: 2019
Journal: Forest Ecosystems
Volume/Issue: 6

Journal paper

Self-Amplifying Feedbacks Accelerate Greening and Warming of the Arctic

Authors: Zhang W., Miller P.A., Jansson C., Samuelsson P., Mao J., Smith B.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Volume/Issue: 45
Pages: 7102–7111

Journal paper

Canopy mortality has doubled in Europe’s temperate forests over the last three decades

Authors: Senf C., Pflugmacher D., Zhiqiang Y., Sebald J., Knorrn J., Neumann M., Hostert P., Seidl R.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: Nature Communications
Volume/Issue: 9
Pages: 4978

Journal paper

Pathways for agriculture and forestry to contribute to terrestrial biodiversity conservation: A global scenario-study

Authors: Kok M.T.J., Alkemade R., Bakkenes M., van Eerdt M., Janse J., Mandryk M., Kram T., Lazarova T., Meijer J., van Oorschot M., Westhoek H., van der Zagt R., van der Berg M., van der Esch S., Prins A.-G., van Vuuren D.P.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Journal: Biological Conservation
Volume/Issue: 221
Pages: 137-150


Climate-Smart Forestry: mitigation impacts in three European regions

Authors: Nabuurs G.J., Verkerk P.J., Schelhaas M.J., González Olabarria J.R., Trasobares A., Cienciala E.

Status: Published
Year: 2018
Place: From Science to Policy 6
Pages: 1-32