
ForestPaths researchers at IUFRO 2024

18 June 2024

IUFRO, a non-profit international network of over 15,000 forest scientists from nearly 700 organisations in 110+ countries, promotes global forest research cooperation and understanding of forests' ecological, economic, and social aspects.

The 26th IUFRO World Congress will be held in Stockholm from 23-29 June 2024, bringing together policymakers, scientists and practitioners to network, learn about the latest research and discuss sustainable forest futures.

If you’re attending the Congress, take advantage of the chance to connect with ForestPaths researchers and discover more about their work. Check out these sessions to gain valuable insights into ForestPaths research. 

ForestPaths oral presentations: 

Enhancing resilience - a key strategy to support Climate Smart Forestry
ForestPaths researcher: Marcus Lindner (European Forest Institute)
[Session T1.4] – T1.4 Climate Smart Forestry
Time: 16:00-18:00, 24 June
Location: А9

Including time and future technologies in substitution factors of wood use – towards a framework for dynamic-prospective Life Cycle Assessment
ForestPaths researcher: Amelie Muller (VITO)
[Session T2.3] – T2.3 Contribution of wood-based products to climate change mitigation: State-of-the-art and research directions
Time: 16:00-18:00, 24 June
Location: Т2

Precision forestry for reducing the impacts of root rot in boreal forests
ForestPaths researcher: Mikko Peltoniemi (LUKE)
[Session T2.6] – T2.6 Ensuring healthy trees for high-quality wood products
Time: 08:30-10:30, 25 June
Location: К23

Long-term forest stability: Mode of tree mortality matters
ForestPaths researcher: Annemarie Eckes-Shephard (Lund University)
[Session S1.3] – Forests in a changing world – impacts on carbon and nutrient dynamics
Time: 14:30-15:30, 27 June
Location: Victoria Hall

Timberland investment management organisations and carbon credits in plantation forestry - state of the art and prospects
ForestPaths researcher: Rafal Chudy (CMCC)
[Session T2.23] –T2.23 Planted Forests for Achieving a Sustainable Planet
Time: 16:00-18:00, 27 June
Location: B4

Operational forest monitoring across Europe using Earth observation
ForestPaths researcher: Cornelius Senf (Technical University of Munich)
[Session T5.34] – T5.34 The new age of forest monitoring: A common European forest monitoring system in a global perspective
Time: 08:30-10:30, 28 June
Location: T5

Estimating pan-Mediterranean reburn frequency using Earth Observation
ForestPaths researcher: Alba Viana-Soto (Technical University of Munich)
[Session T5.24] – T5.24 Moving towards digital forests for a sustainable future
Time: 16:00-18:00, 28 June
Location: A9

ForestPaths poster presentations: 

Integrating biodiversity protection into Climate Smart Forestry
ForestPaths researcher: Marcus Lindner & Sara Uzquiаno (European Forest Institute)
[Poster Session 1] – T1.4 Climate Smart Forestry
Time: 12:30-13:15, 24 June
Location: Poster stand 18

Climate and biodiversity-smart forestry and forest restoration across Europe; who does it, why, and how it could develop?
ForestPaths researcher: Florencia Franzini (European Forest Institute)
[Poster Session 3] – T1.4 Climate Smart Forestry
Time: 12:30-13:15, 25 June
Location: Poster stand 18

Could continuous cover forestry on drained peatlands increase the carbon sink of Finnish forests?
ForestPaths researcher: Aleksi Lehtonen (LUKE)
[Poster Session 7] – Forest ecosystem services (Pot-7)
Time: 12:30-13:15, 27 June
Location: Poster stand 15

Next generation carbon stock and stock change modelling in wood use: towards contributing to climate change mitigation pathways
ForestPaths researcher: Timokleia (Cleo) Orfanidou (European Forest Institute)
[Poster Session 1] – T2.3 Contribution of wood-based products to climate change mitigation: State-of-the-art and research directions
Time: 13:30-14:15, 25 June
Location: Poster stand 23

Blending satellite, process modelling and ground observations for regular updates of European forest carbon dynamics
ForestPaths researcher: Thomas Pugh (Lund University)
[Poster Session 1] – T5.34 The new age of forest monitoring: A common European forest monitoring system in a global perspective
Time: 13:30-14:20, 28 June
Location: Poster stand 27

ForestPaths researchers as moderators: 

T5.22 Modelling forest trajectories under climate stress and changing management
ForestPaths researcher: Thomas Pugh (Lund University)
[Session T5.22] – T5.22 Modelling forest trajectories under climate stress and changing management
Time: 16:00-13:15, 24 June; 13:30-14:15, 24 June; 08:30-10:30, 28 June
Location: Poster stand 27, A8

T5.34 The new age of forest monitoring: A common European forest monitoring system in a global perspective
ForestPaths researcher: Hans Verkerk (European Forest Institute)
[Session T5.34] – T5.34 The new age of forest monitoring: A common European forest monitoring system in a global perspective
Time: 08:30-10:30, 28 June
Location: T5

T1.4 Climate Smart Forestry
ForestPaths researcher: Hans Verkerk (European Forest Institute)
[Poster Session 3] – T1.4 Climate Smart Forestry
Time: 16:00-18:00, 28 June
Location: A9

T5.36 Towards a global observatory of forest dynamics
ForestPaths researcher: Thomas Pugh (Lund University)
[Session T5.36] – T5.36 Towards a global observatory of forest dynamics
Time:16:00-18:00, 28 June
Location: T5

For easier access to the sessions and their locations, download the official IUFRO app here

Find the full programme here.